13-14 OCTOBER 2024

06 May 2021

How can I look after my/my team’s wellbeing during the COVID pandemic

How can I look after my/my team’s wellbeing during the COVID pandemic

The demand for pharmacy services during the pandemic has been unprecedented. What could you be doing right now to safeguard your wellbeing and that of the team around you?

Watch the webinar

  • Learn about the difference between the stress reaction vs response so that you can start to recognise how you and others respond in stressful circumstances.
  • Understand the importance of mental wealth and choosing your response rather than letting your default reaction take over.
  • Understand why those in healthcare professions are prone to mental health issues and how you can overcome this by learning 5 ways to start looking after your wellbeing and that of your team, right now.

Presented by Harpreet Chana, MRPharmS, CPC, ELI-MP, Founder/Director, The Mental Wealth Academy

Sponsored by The Mental Wealth Academy

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