13-14 OCTOBER 2024

Pharmacy Leadership Like You've Never Seen it – Destroying the Default Future Position

Q - Why should you attend the “Unlocking leadership potential and tackling the wellbeing crisis through self development and positive psychology” session?

Are you suffering professionally or personally with what's happening in pharmacy currently? Unless you live a blessed or sheltered life, you are acutely aware of what we all know: the profession is experiencing a wellbeing crisis, prompting talented people to leave the sector, which then leads to widespread difficulties in workforce planning/ development, and all this made worse by significant funding constraints. If we continue doing what we've done in the past, our ‘default future' will be the same as it is now – or worse as things get worse.

Our session in the Professional Development & Careers Theatre on Sunday 17th October at 11.55am will examine the causes behind these issues and explore how we are the part of the solutions to the problems because we are also a part of the problems. Without us, neither exist.


Q - So, firstly, who are we?

Amit Patel has held a number of strategic roles across the NHS including managing the London School of General Practice and the School of Public Health. He has a solid grounding in workforce development and now holds CEO positions across 2 Local Pharmaceutical Committees and Pharmacy London.

Dr. Gary Redfeather is a 30+ year licenced pharmacist, working in community, research/industrial and business sectors. He combines neuropharmacology/neurophysiology, positive psychology and resilience training in the PG Clinical Leadership programme he runs at De Montfort University, and the university, state and national association leader-development programmes he facilitates in the US.

Harpreet Chana has been a pharmacist for over 15 years and has worked in hospital, community, primary care and national policy. She is also a Certified Professional Leadership Coach (CPC) and Founder of The Mental Wealth Academy. She helps pharmacy/healthcare organisations and professionals to strengthen their mental health through training and coaching on self-leadership, self-regulation and professional development.


Q - What are we trying to do?

We have joined our deep passions and broad experiences of self-development, personal and organisational leadership, psychology and workforce development to form the Pharmacy Leadership and Wellbeing Academy which will be launching online leadership programs in late 2021.

Our explicit goal is to destroy the ominously poor default future by focusing on self-leadership; bringing fields of study and practice considered as ‘non-traditional' into the pharmacy world such as critical learning and innovation that have transformed (and saved) other industries and professions. Our session will highlight a few high-priority topics that will bring you immediate benefit.


Q - Why are we doing it?

Whilst a small number of pharmacy leadership programs are currently available, the lack of results we desperately need show they are insufficient. We believe this is because they are:

a) not pharmacy specific;

b) not open to everyone at all stages of their career; and

c) are myopic or incomplete in that they do not encompass the issues holistically.


This combination equates to putting a plaster on a cancer, hoping the underlying disease will be healed. We need to do more.


Q - What are the current issues being experienced by pharmacy professionals?


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Come to the session to find out why we think our profession actually sets us up to experience these issues. We will be facilitating a frank and open discussion about how pharmacy leadership is the both the cause and the cure to these ailments. And, because everyone in the pharmacy team is a  pharmacy leader, we all have our part to play in this.

Q - Who is the session for?

Everyone. Early stage pharmacists, seasoned (and, perhaps, embittered) pharmacy leaders, pharmacy technicians, support staff and other healthcare practitioners. The session is like the Pharmacy Leadership and Wellbeing Academy: inclusive of anyone working in pharmacy.


This session would be particularly beneficial for those with an interest in leadership, positive psychology, wellbeing and workforce/professional development, but is anticipated to help those unaware, disinterested or confused of the topics.


Q - Why should I come to your session?  

Whilst we appreciate the support and dedication from our educational, professional and healthcare system-wide leadership entities, the reality exists that what is being done, and how, is in need of improvement.

Our beliefs that our ailments are unique to us have prevented us from learning from other global pharmacy leader development experiences that might help create innovative and transformational actions.

Our session will discuss why we are where we are and how positive psychology, emotional intelligence and self-leadership principles can help tackle our current crisis, preventing subsequent ones in the process.

Participation in the session will help you understand how these can be applied in your practice setting and allow you to leave with practical tips on how to empower yourself, and others, to affect your organisational dynamics and your own wellbeing in a more positive and proactive way.

As practicing international leadership training facilitators and coaches with pharmacy foundations, we offer a complete and holistic view of pharmacy leadership in a totally different and unique way: perhaps helping you see pharmacy leadership in ways you've never seen it before...


Want to know more?

Please read our article in the upcoming Pharmacy Show Newsletter or scan this QR code/ visit to subscribe to the updates on the upcoming Pharmacy Leadership & Wellbeing Academy.


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