13-14 OCTOBER 2024

The GPhC set out new requirements for support staff training taking formal effect from the 1st October 2020

The GPhC set out new requirements for support staff training taking formal effect from the 1st October 2020

The new requirements for the education and training of support staff will ensure they continue to have the necessary knowledge, fulfil the technical requirements and provide sufficient support to Pharmacists, aligning all regulator's standards for registered pharmacies with support staff training.

So, what do you need to know about the new training requirements for your Pharmacy Support Staff?

Much of the GPhC guidance now taking formal effect is being carried over from the previous interim policy. However, here are some key facts on the implementation of these requirements:

  • Support staff currently on a training course/qualification do not need to start again, as current courses/qualifications remain accredited. They will be able to carry on with this training up to two years after the accredited of this course/qualification expires.'
  • Note trainees should normally complete training within three years.
  • Current staff do not need to be retrained as the requirements do not apply retrospectively. Staff who have already undergone approved training for a support staff role do not have to do so again.
  • If the individual's role, however, has changed, further training may be required.
  • Staff who are new in the role should be enrolled in approved training as soon as practical and within three months of starting their role.
  • Where there is as yet no GPhC-approved training to cover a particular technical component of an individual member of support staff's role, the employer may meet the requirements by arranging alternative training to cover these aspects.
  • Ensure to have completed learning needs assessment for any MPharm/OSPAP student or pre-registration trainee employed as support staff within three months of the requirements coming into effect.''
  • As an employer, you do not need to submit completed learning needs assessment templates to the GPhC, but please keep this for your own records. You should make these available during your GPhC inspection process.
  • If the trainee has not completed the course/qualification when its accreditation expires the provider should map their progress and transfer them to a new approved course/qualification through recognition of prior learning to complete their training.

For all the frequently asked questions'on the implementation of these requirements click below:

Click Here

Read the Requirements for the education and training of pharmacy support staff


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