James Wood
Director of Member & LPC Support,
James joined Community Pharmacy England in January 2021 as Community Pharmacy Englands first Director of Contractor & LPC Support. His role includes being a member of the Community Pharmacy England Leadership Team – leading on Contractor/LPC and Community Pharmacy England partnership, and participating in the Community Pharmacy England Negotiating Team. He is responsible for maintaining effective networks with contractors and contractor representative groups, including the 70 LPCs in England.
James qualified as a pharmacist in 2004. He has had a diverse career in the sector and beyond in the wider NHS, including as a pharmacy contractor and Superintendent Pharmacist in Sheffield. James has been involved in local pharmacy representation via LPCs for most of his professional career; first as a governing member and latterly for over 9 years as a Chief Executive Officer.
In 2018 James was designated a Fellow of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society in recognition of the advancement of pharmacy practice.
14-Oct-2024Primary Care Pharmacy TheatreA vision for community pharmacy: working with ICS and LPCs